Services for Exporters


We are pleased to inform you that the new SEF guideline is available in the portal for your reference. The new guideline is effective for all SEF applications starting from 13 May 2024.

In conjunction with the new SEF guideline, we are also pleased to inform that Activity 5 (Feasibility Study) has been reactivated and will be closed for RMK12 (2021-2025) effective 31st October 2024.

Kindly read the new guideline thoroughly before submitting the SEF application. Thank you

SEF provides assistance to Malaysian Service Providers (MSPs) to undertake activities to expand and venture into the international market. The assistance is extended in the form of reimbursable grant. The grant disbursed is according to the maximum amount of each activity for the duration of the period 2021-2025.

The objectives are:
  • To increase the competitiveness of Malaysian Service Providers (MSPs) overseas;
  • To increase accessibility and expand export of MSPs in the global market;
  • To expand the scope for export promotion to gain market access and export opportunities for services; and
  • To raise the profile of Malaysia at the international level as competent service provider and brand Malaysia as a supplier of services.

Eligible activities are:

(Please refer to page 14 of SEF Guideline for more details)

Type of Activity:
RM 50,000.00

Activity 1

Cost of travelling and accommodation as a participant in an international competition for the services industry held abroad

RM 50,000.00

Activity 2

Cost of travelling and accommodation to international destinations for tender bidding;


cost of purchasing tender documents for projects overseas.

RM 100,000.00

Activity 3

Cost of travelling and accommodation to meet/ network/ conduct presentations to potential client(s) and further explore potential business and projects overseas.

RM 100,000.00

Activity 4

Cost of travelling and accommodation in rendering services for the secured projects undertaken overseas (consultation, supply, delivery, implementation and execution of project).

RM 1,000,000.00

Activity 5

Cost of conducting a feasibility study for international project overseas

RM 200,000.00

Activity 6

Cost of setting up a commercial office overseas.

RM 50,000.00

Activity 7

Cost of procuring commercial intelligence/ market reports for assessing business opportunities or projects in international markets.

RM 50,000.00

Activity 8

Cost of developing prototype/ system customisation/ localisation to meet project requirements overseas.

RM 50,000.00

Activity 9

Cost of travelling, accommodation and participation fee in international training programmes held locally/overseas (physical/virtual) related to the services of the company.

RM 100,000.00

Activity 10

Cost of acquiring international certification in export services (including compliance to sustainability).

RM 200,000.00

Activity 11

Cost of renting/subscribing of software;


Cost of renting of machinery/equipment for exporting services overseas

RM 350,000.00

Activity 12

Cost of logistic (sea/air/land freight) involved in sending of Malaysian products and/ or equipment abroad (door to door), for overseas projects awarded to and implemented by Malaysian service companies.

Important Notice

Please be informed, due to the development of new SEF system, applicant is required to update the new registration number (ROC) and set it as a default ID/ROC number of company’s bank account. Kindly liaise with your registered bank to ensure the process of SEF claim payment can be made

SEF Guidelines

To apply for SEF grant, company needs to register as a MATRADE Member and subcribe to MyExport service
  • If you are not a MATRADE Member, please register here.
  • If you are a MATRADE Member, please register MyExport here. Click here to download MyExport user manual.
  • If you are already registered in MyExport, kindly login and click Apply under SEF tab.

For more information, please contact us at:

Market Development Unit
2nd Floor, Menara MATRADE,
Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah,
50480 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Tel: +603-6207 7077
Fax: +603-6203 7252
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What is MDG

The Market Development Grant (MDG) is a support initiative in the form of a reimbursable grant. MDG was introduced in 2002 with the objective of assisting exporters in their efforts to promote Malaysian made products or services globally. The lifetime limit of MDG is RM300,000 and it is specifically formulated for Malaysian SME Companies, Professional Service Providers, Trade and Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Professional Bodies and Co-operatives.

[Note: MDG reimbursements are subject to the availability of the government funds]

What activities are eligible for grant funding?
Who is eligible to claim for MDG? (please refer to MDG Guidelines)

  1. Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  2. Professional Service Providers (Sole Proprietor Or Partnership)
  3. Trade & Industry Associations, Chambers Of Commerce Or Professional Bodies
  4. Co-operatives
How do I submit my new application of claims or request for reimbursement of expenses?

All completed applications must be SUBMITTED ONLINE through MATRADE’s website:

Apply MDG

Submissions for reimbursements must be:


Promotion Activity

Submission of Applications

Physical Event


Participation in International Trade Fairs or Exhibitions held in Malaysia/ Overseas

Within 30 calendar days after the last date of event


Participation in Trade & Investment Missions (TIM) or Export Acceleration Missions (EAM)


Participation in International Conferences Held Overseas


Listing fees in Supermarkets or Hypermarkets or Retail Centres or Boutique Outlets Located Overseas

Within 30 calendar days after the first day of listing

v. International Certification for Exports Within 30 calendar days after certification approval date

Virtual Event


Participation in Virtual International Trade Fairs In Malaysia or Overseas

Within 30 calendar days from the last date of the event


Participation In Business To Business (B2B) Meetings Related To Virtual Trade Investment Missions And Export Acceleration Missions

Within 30 calendar days from the last date of the promotion activity

For more information, please download information as per link below:

Apply MDG Check Disbursed Amount

All enquiries and submission of reports must be sent to:

Market Development Unit
2nd Floor, Menara MATRADE,
Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah,
50480 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Tel: +603-6207 7066
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This User Guide will help you get started and learn more about using our online application in this portal.

Step 1: To access the online application, go to "For Malaysian Exporters" section.

Exporters 1

Step 2: At the "For Malaysian Exporters" section page, choose "Online Applications" in the MATRADE Online Services information.

Exporters 2

Step 3: Choose the online applications or download the application forms.

Exporters 3

The Mid-Tier Companies Development Programme (MTCDP) was developed and implemented in 2014. A 9-months, customised programme for export-oriented Mid-Tier Companies (MTCs) in Malaysia, either in manufacturing or services. The ultimate objective of MTCDP is to create a cluster of Malaysian Mid-Tier Companies that are globally competitive and successful as global & regional champions
Mid-Tier Companies (MTCs) and Their Contribution to Malaysia

Based on the study of Malaysia's key economic data in 2021/2022 by Deloitte Consulting, there are approximately 9,000 MTCs in Malaysia which is only 0.8% of all registered companies in Malaysia. However, MTCs employ 16% of the nation’s workforce while contributing 36% of the nation’s GDP.

It is undeniable that mid-tier companies are key drivers of economic growth and productivity. Their capabilities and capacities span various sectors, including manufacturing, services, and technology.

Therefore, supporting and promoting the interests of mid-tier companies is essential to further enhancing the competitiveness and resilience of Malaysia's economy on the global stage.
Major Components of the Programme


The Participants
Download list of MTC

For further information about the programme or if you are interested in applying, please contact us at:

MTCDP Secretariat
2nd Floor, Menara MATRADE,
Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah,
50480 Kuala Lumpur
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Standards Map is an online tool developed by International Trade Centre for producers, exporters and buyers to increase opportunities for sustainable production and trade.

Standards Map is a comprehensive information that is searchable with more tha 40 private standards operating references information on over 40 private standards operating in more than 200 countries and certifying products and services in over 60 economic sectors. It contains quick fact sheet for each of the referenced standards and a link to more than 200 academic studies, thesis and research papers. User can review the standards across common theme and criteria and make comparison.

The Standards Map analysis tool can be accessed by all registered users. Registration is free of charge for all users from developing countries.

Access Standards Map